To achieve something you have never achieved before you must become someone you have never been. Anna reflects on her own identity shifts over the past two years. She explains how her own growth has shaped the trajectory of her business and how Functional Medicine and our mental, emotional and spiritual selves integrate. She highlights why many women fail to get traction when it comes to making long-lasting sustainable changes. Why it is important to listen to the niggles of our soul and the important internal shifts we require to truly realise our dreams and fulfill our purpose. Anna run’s through the in’s and outs of her Grounded Goddess Group Program and how it can facilitate doing this deep inner work. Application for the next round that starts on the 29th July 2019 below.
Grounded Goddess Application:
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Health is about flexibility. Flexibility metabolically, immunologically and Psychologically. Anna and Ché reconnect after Anna’s holiday to Greece and enter a conversation about how...
Many people don’t link their experience of pain with their immune system and therefore digestive function. Conditions like Chronic Fatigue are often perceived to...
Are you a pregnant mother wondering what physiologically happens in labour? Are you post-natal and wondering if you are ready to go back to...