Episode #97: The Journey...

Episode 97 February 14, 2020 00:42:38
Episode #97: The Journey...
Kombucha and Colour
Episode #97: The Journey...

Feb 14 2020 | 00:42:38


Hosted By

Anna Marsh

Show Notes

We take you on a crazy journey in this episode! Anna opens up the podcast recording to see Ché in a state of tears? Elation? Emotion? We dive straight in with an episode on the Journey of the Heart - of staying in alignment, of being in a high vibrational state, of active choice in co-creation, of guidance and of TRUST. It is juicy. Tune in...

Ché Voyage to the Soul Retreat: https://chedyer.com/voyage-to-the-soul-4-day-immersion/


Anna Grounded Goddess: https://www.facebook.com/groups/426014007842880/


Find Anna:


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anna_marsh_nutrition/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/annamarshnutrition/


Find Ché:


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/indieyogalife/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chedyeryoga/

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