Once you jump onto the spiritual path, you open yourself up to increasing amounts of crazeee. The practises and rituals you would have previously thought were for “other people” start to become part of everyday life. Anna and Ché share some of the practices and rituals that make up their daily routines, with a sneaky bit of science and many helpful resources to guide you on your own journey.
The Inner Beauty Bible: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Inner-Beauty-Bible-Laurey-Simmons/dp/0008196745
Naomi Absalom: http://www.naomiabsalomyoga.com/
Movement For Modern LIfe: https://movementformodernlife.com/
The Wim Hoff Method: https://www.wimhofmethod.com/
Elite HRV: https://elitehrv.com/
Meggan Watterson “Reveal”: https://www.megganwatterson.com/products/reveal-the-book
Divine Feminine Oracle Cards: https://www.megganwatterson.com/products/reveal-the-book
Rebecca Campbell, “LIght Is The New Black”: https://rebeccacampbell.me/lightisthenewblack/
Oracle Deck: https://rebeccacampbell.me/oracledeck/
Period Sponge: Jam Sponge Etsy shop
The Breath Guy: https://www.instagram.com/thebreathguy/
Move Breathe Create: https://movebreathecreate.com/
Card Decks:
Lumina Tarot Cards: https://innerhue.bigcartel.com/product/lumina-tarot
Find Anna:http://annamarsh.co.uk/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anna_marsh_nutrition/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/annamarshnutrition/
Find Ché:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/indieyogalife/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chedyeryoga/
Ché often gets comments on her instagram account saying “#couplegoals”. But when you continuously seek to grow and change for the better, where does...
Today we dive into what it means to live your life through a spiritual or yogic lens - what it means and how these...
Recorded in week 4 of LockDown Kim shares her success formula for building resilience in times of challenge. She calls this magical formula, Life...