Episode #103: Feelings of Loss and Grief in Corona Times

Episode 103 April 13, 2020 00:37:15
Episode #103: Feelings of Loss and Grief in Corona Times
Kombucha and Colour
Episode #103: Feelings of Loss and Grief in Corona Times

Apr 13 2020 | 00:37:15


Hosted By

Anna Marsh

Show Notes

About 3 weeks ago the world as we knew it got turned on its head. Collectively we have lost loved ones, jobs, income, freedom, choice, flexibility, travel, connection, the idea that the world is a certain way, our sense of safety, sense of purpose or even identity. No doubt you have been feeling a lot of feelings and it is likely that you have been moving through a cycle of grief. In this episode Anna and Ché talk about the five stages of grief, how we identify where we are in our grieving process and how we can lighten the load by allowing ourselves to experience all emotions in a healthy way. 


Find Anna:


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anna_marsh_nutrition/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/annamarshnutrition/


Find Ché:


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/indieyogalife/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chedyeryoga/

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